1967 – 50 Year Reunion

This will be a wonderful opportunity for laughter, nostalgia and renewed friendships – meet your former classmates and catch up on their lives since we walked the halls of that great old school.

The reunion will be on Saturday June 10, 2017, University Club at UVic, 6 – 10 pm   The event will include a BBQ dinner, no-host bar, and lots of good times mingling and meeting your old friends and fellow VHS students. As an extra bonus we are putting together a Bio-Book for all attending graduates – see below! There is also an optional tour of Vic High on Friday June 9, 3 – 5 pm.

Registration is now open! Register before the May 15 cutoff date — $70 graduate, $65 guest.

To register, please print and complete the attached registration form and mail it, along with a cheque payable to “Vic High Reunion 67,” to Cedric Zala, 7776 Trentelmann Place, Saanichton, BC  V8M 1K9. Registrants will be notified by email that their registration has been received. Full payment must accompany this registration form.

Please register ASAP for this wonderful event! Make sure we have your email address by contacting our registrar Cedric (cedriczala@shaw.ca). Also pass the word around to friends from the Class of ’67 who may not know about the reunion.

Class of 67 Bio-Book
For this event, the Reunion Committee is publishing a Bio-Book for all grads attending. You are invited to submit a recent photo and a brief Bio-Blurb that will be printed alongside your 1967 Camosun entry.

For your Bio-Blurb, you might like to include education and career highlights, where you’ve lived, family, travel, current interests and future plans. These could be in point form or paragraphs – whatever suits you.  Click these links for guidelines and samples of bios. To participate via email, send your Bio-Blurb (150 words max) as a Word document or text file, and the photo as a .jpg or .png, to Heather Ashton (ashtonh@shaw.ca).  Alternatively, mail a printed Bio-Blurb and hard-copy photo to Heather at 3080 Leigh Place, Victoria  V9B 4G3 and we will input and scan them. Please note that we reserve the right to make minor edits for grammar, spelling, or length.

We look forward to seeing you on June 10!

Reunion Committee  Rick Mickelson, Heather Ball (Ashton), Anne Boldt, Kathy Holborn (Kerr), Denis Johnston, Janis Jones (McLaren), Cedric Zala

Grads Attending  As of May 15 there were over 120 grads and guests registered. In addition to the Committee, registrants to date include: John Adams, Bruce Allan, Nancy Arnall (Anderson), David Ashton, Ranjit Baines, Sydney Bastin (Varley), Katherine Bruce, Gordon Cameron and Barb Brookes (Cameron), Barbara Campbell (Peterson), Dixie Carley, Maureen Chan (English), Peggy Chan (Choo), Terry Chatton, Ross Coates, Gerry Connor, Carol Cooper, Judy Corbeil (Savage), Gunnar Cordsen, Rick Couch, Gail Crowther, Peter Darling, Elizabeth de Hoog (Newman), Judy Dodds (Brand), Jim Dow, Penny Farmer (Christensen), Stephen Fawcett, Allen Forbes, Ken Gower, Roger Halfhide, Betty Hammond (Falck), Syd Haskell, Don Helliwell, Brian Hill, Leona Hutton, Wayne Isbister, Glen Laubenstein, Linda Lee (Shong), Alisa Lendrum (Malloch), Rob Lifton, Linda Lineham (Varcoe), Gerry Lister, Daryl Llewelyn, Daphne Louis, Sharon Lowe (Leonard), George MacDonald, Mary Ann McCammon (Mutter), Keith McDonough, Russ Malcolm, Pat Monaghan, David Naysmith, Karen Nordlinger, Kerry Orchin, Daun Orrick (Eby), Shirley Page (Low), Deborah Parkinson (Blackie), Bruce Paul, Neil Pendleton, John Pennington, Margaret Perry (Thompson), Gordon Price, Tony Quon, Doreen Ralph (de Leeuw), Ken Rigler, Dave Roberts, Don Ross, Len Roueche, Jack Seto, Patrick Skillings, Sandy Sluggett (Engels), Mary Smallwood (Carrie), Doug Smith and Susan McDonald (Smith), Lexie Smith (Martin), Linda Smith, Philip Squires, Jane Sutton (Advent), Bruce Tate and Jill Minnings (Tate), Liz Townsend (Page), Gail Vaughan (Krickan), Arthur Warren, Bob Whitmore, Barry Wilson, Diane Wilson (Hutchison), Gordon Wong, Vivian Zuck (Jubb)

Accommodation Nearby  UVic offers reasonably priced visitor accommodation on campus. Otherwise the closest hotels include Accent Inn (2.8 miles), Comfort Inn (2.9 miles), Oak Bay Beach Hotel (3.0 miles), Hotel Zed (3.0 miles), Arbutus Inn (3.1 miles) and Sandman Hotel (3.1 miles).