The Victoria High School Alumni Association collects personal information about Vic High alumni (past students or staff), only when voluntarily provided and only for the purpose for which it was intended. In handling such information we comply with the provisions of the B.C. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
We do not sell, rent, or trade our membership/donor information to or with others. The Association makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information collected is protected against loss and unauthorized access. If you wish to verify or change information on file, please contact us.
If your email address is on file, we send electronic messages with news updates, notices of Annual General Meetings, or other timely information, unless you advise us otherwise. Our email messages always generate an Unsubscribe option, or contact us to initiate Do Not Mail instructions.
Vic High and its students thank you for your support through the projects and initiatives of the Vic High Alumni Association.
Contact Us or call Vic High, 250-388-5654, and leave a message and an alumni volunteer will call you.