1970 – 40th Year Reunion
Over 200 graduates and partners from the Class of 1970 gathered in Victoria on the weekend of May 28, 2010, for the 40th anniversary of Grad ’70. The celebrations all took place in the Vic High catchment area and included a glittering gala at the Union Club of British Columbia on Friday and a school assembly and “after-school brew” at the Fernwood Inn on Saturday. Sunday attendees had their choice of graduate-led events: either a walking tour through the historic Fernwood district or kayaking in the Inner Harbour.
The weekend reunited old friends, rekindled old memories and raised a whopping $4000 for the Vic High Alumni Association. The psychedelic poster created for the reunion, designed by graduate Gregory Hartnell in the classic style of a 1960s rock concert handbill, was featured on the front cover of the official program. For pictures and more details of the Class of 1970 reunion, visit our website at www.vichigh70.com. (this link is no longer active)