1969 – 40 Year Reunion

Class of ’69
Over 100 enthusiastic grads came together on October 3, 2009 to celebrate our 40 Year Reunion.
Activities started early on this sunny Saturday as some played golf at the Prospect Lake course while others putted and laughed their way through Blenkinsop Valley Mini-golf. Afterward, many gathered for refreshments at the Fernwood Inn before attending the reunion festivities at the Vic High Gym .
The 1969 grads always like to have fun and they heartily participated in Music Bingo, dancing, catching up, picture taking and the delicious buffet. All agreed that it was a great time, and this well-preserved group looks forward to its 50 year reunion!
Money was raised for donations to the Vic High Archives and the Vic High Alumni Association. The next get-together event is the 60th birthday party planned for October 2011; time and place TBA.
Grads, please remember to keep your contact information current through the Vic High Alumni Association website, www.vichigh.com.