1968 – 60th Birthday Bash

The Vic High Class of ’68 celebrated their collective 60th birthdays together on Saturday, June 19, 2010, at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. The sun came out to welcome 80 of us onto the outside deck and lawns where we spent time catching up on news, visiting, mingling, having fun and enjoying appetizers with our summer drinks.

Dinner was held in the lounge at the Club, which was resplendent in birthday decor including beautiful scrapbook pages of the previous year’s 40 + 1 Reunion, birthday hats, trivia centrepieces, candles and self-popping balloons. We were entertained as tables competed for their position in the buffet line. We saw everything from rabbit balloon blowing to trios singing for their dinner. Who knew 60-year-olds could move, blow, rap, and check so well!

A Silent Auction was held to ensure the Class of ’68 Legacy Fund remains intact to support future events and initiatives! Our class was once again able to make a donation to the Alumni Association by purchasing four seats in the Lawrie Wallace Auditorium totalling $800. We are pleased to announce that one of these seats will specifically to commemorate our 40+1 Reunion, with an inscription reading “ Class of ’68, 40+1 Reunion, June 5 & 6, 2009.”

As dinner finished we lit cupcakes, joined in singing “Happy Birthday,” then danced the night away to the music of our very own band ‒The Attic Boys.