1960 – 50th Year Reunion

The Victoria High School Class of 1960 held its 50th year reunion in Victoria on September 10, 11, and 12, 2010. The three-day, four-event reunion was attended by 112 grads and guests.

The reunion commenced on Friday night with a meet-and-greet at the Chiefs and Petty Officers Mess at CFB Esquimalt. The grads were welcomed with a banner across the stage and the mess was decorated with Vic High shields and bands of black and gold.

A slide show of our time featured events at and around the grand old school backed by the music we all love and remember. Grads enjoyed reuniting with old friends and flames and browsing through the Memorabilia Display which featured many pictures, annuals, records, clothing and articles of our time.

Saturday morning found us in Vic High Auditorium where the grads ‒ along with former teachers Tommy Mayne, Reg Reid and Colin Glover ‒ were entertained by the Calamity Players presentation of a musical skit written by Russ Leech entitled “A Day in the Life of Vic High.” The words of the 13 songs were rewritten to be relevant to the theme and were backed by a three-piece band featuring the talents of Rick Acres, Frank Kiefer and John Polkinghorne (a guest from Esquimalt High). The performances of John Roberts, Heather McFarlane, Ken Hicks, Judy Gill, John Britt, Kathy Hatch, Russ Leech and Jo Humber, and guest Rino Elverhoy, were well received and enjoyed by all. The highlight came when the fog machine overreacted and filled the stage and auditorium with a thick cloud. Nonetheless, the cast carried on in the true tradition of the theatre!

A brown bag lunch was served in the lunchroom with much socializing, storytelling and picture taking. The teachers especially were sought out as lunch companions, and from all reports were overcome by the affection shown them by their former students. After lunch everyone gathered on the steps of the Girls Entrance for a group picture. Then, the grads roamed the halls and classrooms of our dear old school, reminiscing of days gone by but not forgotten.

On Saturday evening a gala dinner was held in the Officers’ Wardroom at CFB Esquimalt. Following dinner, folks were asked to come to the open mike to deliver 3-minute stories of our friends and times. The stories were extremely funny and interesting. The grads were treated to a hilarious visit by The Queen (Lois Gow) followed by another of Lois’s characters, Miss Swizzleteats, both of which left us with sides hurting from laughter. The night was capped with dancing and conversation.

Sunday morning found us at the home of Barry and Jill Slagboom for a yard party featuring brunch, games, and a song circle where a great time was had by all (despite some rain). After many hours of friendship and song we finally said our good-byes, while clutching our souvenirs and vowing to meet again at future gatherings.