1950 – 60th Year Reunion

On Wednesday May 13, 2010, we gathered to celebrate our 1950 graduation from Victoria High School. Thirty-eight people attended: half from the Metro Vancouver area: the other half from Victoria and environs. A private space was reserved in the Buffet Room of the Richmond River Rock Casino which proved to be most suitable. The buffet was excellent.

The general consensus was that 60 years ago we were generally prepared to face the world but the world may not have been prepared for us.

It was a spirited and joyous gathering with much reminiscing, nostalgia and re-connecting with old friends. As always, the time ran out before one could get to chat with everyone. Thanks for those who journeyed from Vancouver Island for this event.

Jeanne Elliot presented Hamish Robertson with a prize for traveling the greatest distance to attend and to Ted Bird for being married the longest.

Planning is already underway for the next celebration. Victoria next?