Seismic Upgrade November 2022
Seismic Upgrade November 2022
Work is progressing at Vic High, and while rooms and spaces are now clearly defined inside, changes to the facade are now taking shape. November 3, on-site Project Manager Gord Wallace led three Alumni volunteers on a tour: Board Chair Helen Edwards, Archives and Museum Co-ordinator Annie Boldt, and Communications Co-ordinator/Archives volunteer Linda Baker.
West facade with new heritage windows installed. What a difference!
Replacement terra cotta tiles cover the original brick walls.
East facade awaits its new heritage windows.
Looking towards Fernwood Road from the new student entrance. The Grant Street entrance will remain in use.
Hallway on left leads to Fairey Tech, and steps in middle lead to new multi-purpose space.
Looking down on multi-purpose room. Tiered steps provide seating for presentations, performances.
Student entry area window into pre-robotics lab.
Balustrade over Grant Street entrance viewed from previous third floor library, now a collaboration space with rooms on either side, original Rhodesian Mahogany flooring remains intact here.
Entering new Learning Commons (library) – this area faces north.
Moving into Learning Commons, windows in center face east.
Southeast corner of Learning Commons.
Entering Outdoor Classroom/Astronomy Deck from NE corner of third floor.
Outdoor Classroom, facing east, overlooking Fernwood Road.
New Archives & Museum, first floor. Front office (part of previous Archives room), looking through to Collections Room.
New Archives & Museum Collections Room. Note original exterior walls, enclosed during 1950s addition of Andrews Gym and classrooms above.
Project Manager Gord Wallace examines new heritage windows, supplied by Victoria-based, alumni-owned Vintage Woodworks.
Original millwork storage with glass-fronted doors. Six of these (most painted white) were carefully removed, to be re-installed in the Archives & Museum, the Heritage Classroom (former Rm. 205), and elsewhere in the school.
Repairing brick walls.
Work continues on the track & field area on the west side.
Stadium seating will be replaced and the area refurbished.
Plaque adjacent to south end of bleachers remains in place. “This track presented by Gyro Club of Victoria, June 2, 1951.