Click on the alumni’s name to view their obituary.

If you’d rather search for someone by grad  year, go to this page and click on the year you want. It will bring up the list of alumni who have registered with us and show their Status in the right column.

Abercrombie, Jack (1953)

Abbott, Bruce “Ian” (1982)

Acres, Dolora Murray (nee Parker) (1945)

Adams, Daryl (1980)

Adams, Robert Lionel (1963)

Adams, Wayne Bruce (1964)

Ainscough, Linn (1970)

Aitchison, Eva Wallace (nee Mason) (1937)
Albany, Joyce (nee Warren) (1937)
Albers, Jane Frances (2002)

Alexander, Bernice (nee Alexander) (1949)

Alexander, Ken (1965)

Allan, Kent Noel (1955)

Allan, Keith Norman (1969)

Allen, Robert Thomas (1968)

Ambrus, Valerie Lillian (nee McIvor) (1943)

Amarilli, Giorgio (1968)

Andersen, Lela (nee Kroft) (1931)

Anderson, Len (1952)

Anderson, Norm (1963)

Anderson, Norman (1940)
Anderson, Lavaughn “Lonnie” (nee West) (1949)

Anderson, Richard Stanley (1954)
Andrews, Fred (1968)
Andrews, Marion Jenny (1942)
Andrews, Muriel E. (Teacher 1960 – 1989)
Anderson, Roxy (1938)

Angus, David H. F. (1958)
Anstey, Thomas Herbert (1946)

Appleby, Anne (1965)

Ashbridge, John (1964)

Ashton, David Michael (1967)
Aspestrand, Sven Ake (1961)
Arnold, Janet Ilene (1967)

Arundell, Geoffrey, Dr. (1958)

Austin, Percy Russell (1964)
Autor, Anne Pomeroy (1952)

Axhorn, Cyril (1932)

Badall, Marilyn (nee Takvor) (1960)

Bagshaw, Darlaine (1956)
Bailey, John (1952)
Bailey, Wallace Mark (1946)

Bain, Alan “Floyd” (1953)

Baines, Ann (nee Jaynes) (1951)
Baines, Joan (nee Sampson) (1940)
Baird, Bruce Douglas (1951)
Baker, Grant (1950)

Baker, Mae (nee Bell) (1947)
Baker, Roy (1945)

Balford, Steven David (1963)
Balfour, Bernice (née Butteris) (1940)

Ballard, Ken (1961)

Bamford, LaVerne Irene (nee Russell) (1949)

Banky, Alan James (1981)

Barbour, Murray (1928)
Barker,  David Joseph (1936)
Barker, Ethel Evelyn (nee Fitchett) (1939)

Barlow, Dorothy-Jean (nee Porter) (1956)

Barnes, Betty (nee Dauphin) (1937)

Barnes, Robin (1959)

Balfour, Bernice (nee Butteris) (1940)

Ballard, Ken (1961)

Bamford, LaVerne Irene (nee Russell) (1949)
Barlow, Kenneth (1959))

Barlow, Roger (1961)
Barnett, Howard
Barrett, Gordon John (1945)

Barron, Peter (2010)

Barron, Sidney (1935)

Barnswell, Rick (1963)
Barwell, Grace (nee Revercomb)

Basi, Bhagat (1948)

Baskin, Joan (nee Henze) (1961)

Bateman, Calvin (1959)

Bates, Joan Margaret (nee Semple) (1951)

Batey, Alan (1934)

Batterbury, George (Teaching Staff)

Baur, Joseph (Teaching Staff)

Beck, Wally (1943)

Becker, Bernice Maralyn (nee Richards) (1951)

Bell, Doug (1956)

Belsky, Simone (nee Marquette)

Bennett, Joan (nee Chestney) (1945)

Berry, Lucy Muriel (nee Huzzey) (1937)

Berrisford, Violet (née Anastasiou) (1945)

Berryman, Carol (1954)

Berezowski, Jerry (1963)

Bialkowski, Richard (1965)
Bigelow, Joan Louise (1950)
Birch, Dr. Kenneth B (1961)

Bird, Duane (1959)

Birnie , Douglas John (1962)

Bishop, Joyce Violet (nee Koller) (1947)

Bishop, Norma Vincent (nee Clayton) (1940)

Bissett, Kathleen Isabel “Kay” (nee Shute) (1940)
Blackie, Deborah (Debbie) L. (nee Parkinson) (1967)

(there’s more about Deb under the Archives tab)

Blasner, Ronald (Teaching Staff)

Blatchford, Emily (nee Baldock) (1945)

Blevins, Barbara (nee Tupman) (1950)

Bligh, Daisy Ena (nee Baker) (1936)

Bodsgaard, Kjeld (1970)

Boel, John (1947)
Boldt, Peter (teacher) (1958-1959)

Bollen, Edward (1965)
Bonner, Harold (1951)
Bonner, Kristen (1993)

Boorman, Nancy (nee Adams) (1967)
Booth, John Reginald (1956)

Booth, Valerie (nee Hall) (1950)

Bosdet, Catherine Elizabeth (nee Ralfs) (1943)

Bosdet, George (1942)
Bosence, Gary (1958)

Botten, Brian (1963)
Botting, Kathryn L. (1945)

Bottoms, Linda (nee McFadyen) (1975)

Bowes, Douglas Ruddell (Teaching staff)

Bowes, Glenys Jean (nee Smedley) (1939)

Bowman, Larry (1965)

Boyd, Alfreda (nee Nelson) (1937)

Bradley, Ken (1950)

Brain, Darlene (nee Noble) (1961)

Bratt, Doug (1964)

Bray,Phyllis R (née Martin) (1946)

Brazier, Lyla Ethel May (cafeteria cook to 1970)

Breitenbach, Merle (nee Waggett) (1971)

Brice, Arthur Charles (1954)
Brice, Leslie (1950)

Bridge, Olga (nee Lachjuk, Kowalyk) (1951)
Bridgen, Jari Alexander (1990)

Briggs, Tillman (Staff)

Brodsgaard, Kjeld (1970)

Brookbank, Raymond Alexander (1948)

Brooks, George (Bud) (Teaching Staff)

Broughton, Joan (nee Stearn) (1953)

Brown, Frances Cora (1955)
Brown, Ian Forsyth (1941)

Brown, Margaret Evelyn (nee Temple) (1946)

Brown, Robert (1957)

Browning, Cranston (1945)

Brule, Jane (nee Line) (1949)

Bryson, Gerald (1938)
Bryson, Joan (nee Baird) (1944)
Bryson, William (1943)

Buchan, Patricia Iva (nee Cameron) (1952)
Bucsis, Brenda Ann (nee Baker) (1958)

Burbridge, Darlene (nee Irwin) (1957)

Burnell, George “Ed” (1964)

Burgar, David C. (Teaching Staff)

Burges, Josephine (nee Browne) (1944)
Burgess, Don (1952)

Burgess, Thomas Edward (1960)

Burnham, Shirley (nee Price) (1953)

Burroughs, Bernice (nee Edwards) (1962)

Bushell, Alan (1974)

Bygate, Valerie (nee Broadley) (1959)

Caldwell, Robert Montgomery (1955)
Callow, Edythe (nee Drake) (1939)
Cameron, Eva-Lind (1944)
Camp, Donald Barrington “Barry” (teacher)

Campbell, Robert Alexander (1965)
Campbell, Shirley Ann (née Hebden) (1955)

Campbell, William (Bill) (1968)
Cannon, Daryll (1968)
Cantwell, Violet (1936)
Carr, Joan (1936)

Carruthers, Candice (nee Marks) (1970)
Chadwick, Virginia (nee Bosdet) (1965)

Chambers, Gordon (1942)
Chapple, Robert Allan (teacher)

Charlton, Glenn Elmer (1947)
Chatfield, Ruth Alice (1928)

Chell, Joseph (teaching staff)

Chewpoy, David (1961)

Chewpoy, Robert Brian (1965)

Chow, Alec (1949)

Chow, Barry (1967)
Chow, Edna ( 1938)

Chow, Harry (1945)
Chow, Lena (nee Lee) (1951)
Christensen, Harlene (1955)
Christian, Frances I. (nee Clarke)(1935)
Clark, Keith (1971)
Clarke, Irene (1935)

Clarke, Josephine (nee Wilson) (1939)
Clarke, Kenneth DA (1943)

Clarke, Tony (1979)
Clarkson, Ida (1943)
Coates, Allen Arthur (1943)
Colley, Gary (1966)
Colley, Wayne M. (1969?)
Collins, Robert (1939)
Collison, Gwendolyn Frances (née Mason) (1951)
Cooke, Bruce Armstrong (1941)
Cooper, Barbara Jean (née Bousfield) (1954) Cooper, Beverly (nee Koski) (1953)

Cooper, Boyd (1953)
Cooper, Norman (1941)

Cooper, Wendy (nee Copeland) (1958)
Corcoran, Gloria (née Bullock) (1969)
Couch, Richard (1967)
Cox, Albert R (1946)
Cox, David James (1975)
Cox, Lorne A (1946)
Crabbe, Chummy (1954)
Crabbe, Terry (1968)

Craig, Grant J. (1949)

Craig, Verna (née Jackson) (1949)
Crawford, Bruce (1961)

Crawford, Glen (1960)

Creech, Harry (1965)

Creelman, Vera Marie (nee Stanley) (1949)
Creighton, Sean (1988)

Crocker, Don (1965)

Crocker, Margaret (nee Millard) (1946)

Crofton, Marie (nee White) (1943)

Cronk, Douglas R. (1965)
Cropp, Kathleen (Kathy)  (nee Smith) (1965)

Cropper, Doris (1951)

Crowther, Bernice (1965)
Crowther Frederick William Powell (Bill) (1941)

Cunliffe, Douglas (1971)

Cunningham, Ernell (nee Lindstrom) (1966)
Curtis, Hugh A (1950)

Curtis, John Elmer (1942)

Cutforth, Brent D. (1965)